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How To Grow A Whole Bulb Of Garlic From A Single Clove

Garlic has been used in cooking and as a medicine for thousands of years. Some cultures even believe that it can drive away evil spirits and other evil entities, meaning, garlic isn’t just a food but for protection too.

The primary reasons behind its medicinal effects is a compound called allicin formed when a clove of garlic is crushed or chopped and this gives the known garlic smell. Some of the proven abilities garlic has are:

  • Improves cholesterol levels
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Reduces the risk and possibly prevents Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
  • Supports bone health
  • Improves longevity
  • Protects the organs from heavy metal toxicity
  • Boosts athletic performance
  • Strengthens the immune system and combats illness

Growing Garlic Outdoors

It is recommended to plant cloves in the fall after the first frost. You can also plant them in late winter or early spring, but the cloves planted in fall would probably produce larger and better bulbs.

Garlic needs full sun, so make sure you choose an area that will recieve sunshine. Loosen up the planting bed to 12 inches deep. Mix 1 inch layer of mature compost. Add a light dusting of wood ashed to help it more balanced. Note that you should have your soil tested and it needs to be acidic. Poke the cloves into the ground at about 4 inches deep. Keep the pointed ends up and space them 6-8 inches apart. Cover the area with organic mulch ( shredded leaves or straw).

For your garlic to grow properly, it’s essential to keep your newly planted cloves moist at all times. Water them regularly, but don’t overwater.

Take care of your plants and harvest when the soil is dry and the leaves start appearing withered and pale. Loosen up the soil before you pull them out with a digging fork, and handle the bulbs gently. After harvesting, wash it and dru it under the sun for 2-3 days.

Growing Garlic Indoors

To grow your garlic indoors, you will need: a container, potting soil, a good garlic head. The container should be at least 8 inches deep and must have drainage holes. If you want to plant more garlic bulbs get a larger container.

Here’s the planting process:

  • Fill your container with potting soil.
  • Break your garlic cloves, and sow each one vertically into the soil by holding the cloves with the flat end facing down and the pointed end facing up.
  • Push each clove 4 to 6 inches into the soil. In the end, they should be spaced 4 inches apart.
  • Place the container under a constantly sunny location, such as a kitchen windowsill- it needs about 8 hours every day.
  • Keep the soil moist, and water when it starts drying out. The warmer your home, the more often you will have to water.
  • Clip off the greens when they grow to about 3 to 4 inches tall.
  • When the plant begins to dry up and turn pale, gently dig up your clove of garlic. It should be a full bulb.
  • Hang your harvested garlic in a cool, dry place, like a basement or a garage. It will need 3-7 days to dry out completely.

Whether your grow your garlic indoors or out, it can be stored in many ways. You can hang the bulbs in your kitchen, store them in a jar with oil and vinegar, or simply store the bulbs on their own inside your refrigerator.


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